Week 1

What Happened This Week

2021 is here.

I was gonna end that sentence with “!” but to be honest, I wasn’t as excited as most people are. I didn’t stay up for the countdown. To me, it was just like any other Thursday lol.

That sounds a little depressing. The holidays have always been busy. Nowadays, I’m craving more time to relax and not do anything.

But at the same time, I wanna change the way I treat the holidays this year. I will try to be more prepared and excited this time.


I spent this week just Marie Kondo-ing our stuff and getting rid of all items that do not spark joy.

This sounds weird but cleaning/re-organizing is something I feel like I have to do. I can’t think when things are messy.


The combination of bed-of-nails and sleep stories is a good solution when you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night and feel like you’re unable to back to sleep.

There was that one time I got up in the middle of the night due to lower back pain. Using a combination of those two worked like a sleeping potion.


My New Year’s Resolution:

Be kind to myself the same way I show kindness to others


A Year Ago This Week

  • I suffered and still suffer from “imposter syndrome”
  • I drew a personalized design for a coworker: Cats in Paris
  • I looked into creating an e-commerce store
  • I started working out in an attempt to be healthier – just like everybody else.
  • I had planned a lot of travelling this year *before the craziness of the pandemic happened

[read here]