Week 11

My uric acid levels (as per blood test) are within the normal range.

Well, it’s in the high-end of the normal range. Now, what does this mean?

Whatever I had two weeks ago was not a 100% gout flare-up. But it’s highly likely based on the symptoms and what happened to me the day before the flare-up happened. It’s also possible that there could be an underlying issue there. But as per the doctor I saw, it isn’t something I should be very concerned with right now. Let’s just say I have some inflammation on the ball of my foot. From what exactly? Don’t know.

There’s pain there but it’s not painful enough to bring me to the clinic.


Downloaded Inkscape as a way to expand on the software I can use to create digital art.

I still like MSPaint but I don’t wanna pigeonhole myself with 1 software. I’m looking for another tool that can make it much faster for me to produce an illustration. One feature I like about Inkscape is the layer. If I can draw on top of another picture, I can make it much easier to draw with the least number of trials and errors.

Technology is evolving pretty fast and I wanna evolve with it (truth is..I’m super late. I’m still using MSPaint LOL).


I also wanna level up my writing skills.

I decided to try out Typeshare’s templates. The goal is to (again) systematize the way I produce content. The more systems I use, the less figuring out I have to do. Thinking is hard.

If I had to use my mental energy on something, it would be for generating ideas—not figuring out how to communicate it clearly.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I was going through burnout but managed to be productive anyway.
  • There’s not much to list here because I was feeling lazy that week.

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