Week 16

What's On My Mind

“Ok…that’s done…so what’s the takeaway?”

I just finished a course called “The Headless Way”.

Now I’m not sure if that helped me become more aware of my actions or if it helps me deal with the gazillion thoughts in my head when I sit in silence.

I suppose I have to let the lessons sink in first, test them out before making an assessment. But here’s what I remember telling myself when I was going through the course:

You cannot judge something you don’t fully understand. But you ‘re free to make an observation.

What you see around you (the outside world) is just an observation relative to your distance (to what is being observed).

And your interpretation of it is limited to your (forever incomplete) knowledge of the world.

What you think you see is just 1 of the 1,000,000,000 puzzle pieces that compose “reality”.

Sounds deep. Even I can’t explain it well. That goes to show how poor my understanding of the lesson was.

The course involves using the mirror a lot. So I had to awkwardly look at myself as if I’m looking at another person.

The lesson (as how I understood it) is that – what I see in that mirror is just another version of myself.

The person I see in the mirror is the version of “me” at that exact moment. That version of me is going to look different once I shave and take a shower. It’s also going to look different when I’m excited, sad, happy or anxious or hungry, whatever “other” case may be.

That realization relieves you from the anxiety of judgment which is something we carelessly throw out there.

I, like most people, is also judgemental but I question myself why I have those thoughts in the first place. Sometimes I come up with mean jokes – so offensive and ridiculous that makes it funny. People would often make fun of me, and I’m totally fine with it. I don’t take things too personally.

This is probably why I like comedians – they know how to laugh about their imperfections and not let those imperfections slide into self-pity.


A Year Ago This Week

  • I did not give up anything for Lent
  • LOL I dropped some Bible verses. [Side Note] I was an altar boy back when…I was more naive than I am today.
  • Wow, it’s been a year since I’ve been meaning to start work at 5:30 AM.

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

2 Chapters later, I’m still trying to get a comfortable reading with my peripherals by skipping one word – at the beginning and at the end – of each line on the page.

I noticed that I cannot skip words that I’m unfamiliar with or if they are hyphenated. I had to go back and look.


I also started writing a script to prep myself at doing the product presentation for selling life insurance.

I’m glad we can now do this online as opposed to driving to the client to do a presentation.

Friends and family, heads up! You’ll hear from me soon lol.


The “Get-up at 3:30 AM” is back.

Lexi’s sleep routine is progressing really well. She sleeps well, we sleep well.

Now that I’m done with “The Headless Way” course, I can now get back into the regular kind of meditation. The one where I stay still and observe my thoughts.



No, I did not apply for CERB.

I don’t think I qualify for it. In fact, I don’t even know what it is exactly.

All I know is that it’s something that was created for people who in desperate need of financial help.

It’s a good benefit.

However, with every good benefit, there are almost always people out there who will ruin it for everyone.

I’ll apply for it when I need it. Seems like Manitoba has good control over this pandemic.

I’m really hoping it will end soon.

Find more of my work here, here and here