Week 21


Sometimes, there’s just no way you can meet all your time commitments because you said “yes” to all of them.

And when that happens, you’re bound to disappoint the people you made a commitment with – an unavoidable circumstance.

Hence, the reason why people cancel last minute – because something has to give.

It sucks to be on either end – one feels bad for canceling and the other feels disappointed why you canceled.

But that’s just the nature of it – the result of poor prioritization and time management.

I feel bad when I cancel on people – but when I do, I just hope my lack of presence is insignificant. That way, the sting is almost negligible.

Such as those meetings where your input is not really required but you were invited anyway because you needed to be aware.

And when you’re one of those people (who feels insignificant in the room), you can’t help but feel that you’re wasting your time and that you could’ve used that time on other important matters.

Same goes for personal events – I had to say no on some of them because agreeing to go will cause more damage to my schedule. That means, I’m going to have to give up some things that would cost me more in the long run.

I remember a time when I told a friend, “I’m not going”. The friend responded with, “Why not? This is the only time we’re gonna see each other. Darahrah-rahrah you’re being selfish”.

And he is right, I am being selfish – but I have a legit excuse he may not understand.

Have you ever been to a group gathering when things are a little awkward and no one is really sharing any interesting stories about their lives?

Then you guys just end up talking about other people instead of talking about yourselves?

I don’t know about you but I find those events to be draining.

Perhaps it’s a result of my introverted/awkward personality.

Or maybe because I’m finding more value in a one-on-one conversation with someone as opposed to talking to everyone in the group.

My lack of skills in small-talk does not permit me to engage well in a group setting.

Awkward silence…that’s the worst.

When I’m the host, I wanna make sure no one is left out, everyone matters.

This reminded me of that dinner we had with this manager at work. Instead of talking about herself and/or her interest, she engaged with everyone in the table, making sure everyone had input.

When that happens, being in a group of people you barely know becomes more bearable.

Unlike that lunch I had with a previous boss where we talked about hockey and politics. I couldn’t chime in because I have zero knowledge on the subject. My move? Sit, STFU and finish my food very slowly, long enough for them to wrap up the conversation.

Looping back to what my friend said about me, what he may not realize is that I also feel guilty – guilty of being selfish. *collateral damage

Another reason for this is to shed light on the fact that I’m not as nice as some people thought.

And when that happens, people will already know what to expect from me which would also lessen the number of invites I have to say “no” to. The less “nos” I give, the lesser the chance I cause a disappointment to others.

This isn’t about doing what’s right and what’s wrong.

But this is a truth most of us are guilty of but don’t want to admit.



My mind is also overbooked – I have a shitload of things to worry about or things that I need to get done.

It’s been clogged with so many things lately (personal life and work) that my mind shut itself off from paying attention to others.

I feel like I couldn’t take any more inputs because I’m still processing all the other inputs I acquired a week ago. I’m worried, scared, pressured at the same time. And when you’re in that state – the asshole in you comes out naturally.

I…unconsciously let that asshole come out which resulted in 2 nights of sleeping on the couch.

But a series of important questions came up because of that:

    • How can I get better at handling “overwhelm”?
    • What can I do to reduce the collateral damage towards people I care about (they’re the recipient of my unpleasant behavior)?
    • If I can’t handle this, what does this say about me? Am I willing to accept that?

I haven’t figured out the answers to those questions yet but right now, I’m just taking things one-by-one as I’m not mentally smart enough to process a billion things at the same time.

It’s also getting to a point where “taking a break” is not an option. However, I’m not going to let “taking a break” slip away. A break is as important as your drive to finish whatever it is you need to finish.

When you’re overwhelmed you increase the chance of missing something – because it’s hard to think straight.

That’s where major fuck-ups come from – lack of attention-  because too much of that attention has been used up on other things that are sitting in your mind.

That’s what happened to me at work – totally forgot about a task I’m supposed to be doing and made the wrong call that resulted in a financially expensive mistake.


“How in the hell am I going to get through these?”

That’s the inner voice that wouldn’t shut the fuck up. Nagging me to take action. No, not just any action but a focused and efficient action.

Challenges come as a pain in the ass but also provide an opportunity for growth.

I’ve been feeling complacent lately – “Good job!” no longer holds any value.

At this stage, I feel the need to “work harder”.

I don’t even know what that looks like, but it basically means I need to do more, not only in the literal sense but also in the emotional sense.

A Year Ago This Week


  • needed to straighten up my priorities
  • complained about people wanting something from you
  • talked about empathy

*I’m surprised how there are similarities between my experiences last year and this year. Perhaps you can say “history repeats itself” but it never goes exactly the way it went last time. A pattern in my behavior.

[Read more about it here]


Goal Update

Insurance Brokerage License Prep

I’m attending all the classes this weekend and all other weekends to prior to my exam in 2 weeks. That means my Friday nights and Saturdays are booked for the next two weeks.

This is where my headspace is at 50% of the time.


I’m trying “time restrictive eating”.

I have yet to read a book recommended by a friend about integrating your health goals to your lifestyle.

Below is a podcast (also recommended) and I agree with the approach – not only in health but in everything else in life.


[Click podcast recommendation here]


still in debt – will be for a while.

Got my CRA web account set-up.

Closed my business account (for CAD jobs). I didn’t realize I had two business numbers. The one I closed [last year] was the one that didn’t really have anything in it.

Flexiti account was also set up.

Find more of my work here, here and here