Week 23

I admire and encourage Lexi’s creativity — but sometimes, her methods are not something I highly approve of.

Chalk is best used on concrete or a blackboard. Pen and pencil are best used on paper. Bricks are best used for building a wall. A piece of brick, however, is best to leave where it is. You can’t use it to build a wall. You shouldn’t use it either to draw chicken scratches on a car.

While that was an opportunity to blow up on Lexi, I decided it wasn’t worth it. It’s just a car. Don’t get me wrong, I told her what she did is something she shouldn’t do again.

She’s learning how to be creative and at the same time, she’s teaching me how to be (more) patient.


Things are calming down a little bit at work such that I had enough room to learn something new.

A podcast with Andrew Huberman and Wendy Suzuki re-emphasized the importance of “the basics” to improve focus. Exercise, meditation and sleep. Those are the big 3. Do those right and you should be healthier than most people out there.

I’m still trying to get my old routine back since I left for vacation back in April. So far, things are going well. Didn’t skip exercise and a cold shower this week.


I decided to buy a bigger desk for work, reading books and writing in a journal.

It’s not that my old desk is broken but because it’s too small that I feel restricted. Your environment plays a big role in your creativity. A messy space can drive the muse away.

So I decided to “Marie-Kondo” my workspace a bit in the hopes of having better ideas whenever I’m solving a problem or writing an article.

A Year Ago This Week

I read a book that made me want to pursue the path of F.I.R.E.

I also learned how to silence my thoughts when I’m reading…preet-ty powerful skill.

[read here]