Week 24

What's On My Mind

“I don’t feel like doing this…”

I feel burned out this week. Time flies too fn fast.

Life is either that busy or work is just that exhausting?

I’m craving for a day where I can spend the whole day watching Youtube videos or movies or reading or drawing or writing or going for long walks with my family.

While I can consider myself productive, I can’t help but think I’m doing something wrong because productivity shouldn’t burn you out. There is something there that is too subtle for me to notice.

Whenever I hear myself saying “there’s not enough time!” I keep forgetting why Life would give us that problem in the first place. It is there to help you get rid of all the activities that don’t seem to add value to your life.

Reminds me of Derek Siver’s “Hell yea or No”

A Year Ago This Week

  • Car maintenance gouged my savings.
  • The hot water supply was broken for a day.
  • I talked about the importance of scheduling and self-reflection.

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

I’m getting better at using Elementor to update my website.

You’ll notice that in this week’s post. This is me applying what I’m learning.

I also continued to consume content from The Futur. I catch myself wanting to learn more about graphic design – the basics of typography and color. Why? I’m not good at drawing…but I like art…AND I like to convey a story or a message through text or illustration.


I also had a chance to test my presentation skills and acquire feedback. The result? Well, I need to do more work. That’s exactly what I expected to happen. It’s almost always the case especially when it’s your first time doing something.

“Luck” is when you’re able to do something great the first time while “expertise” is when you’re able to correct a good number of mistakes…and not let them happen again.


I was consistent with my 5 AM workout.

While that’s a good thing, I now have less time to read or consume other content or even meditate.

There’s always going to be that trade-off between activities. That’s when your ability to prioritize is tested.

It seems like the reason why I feel burned out was that I wasn’t able to consume content as much as I used to due to the time spent on working out and practicing the presentationDoing both activities takes me about 1-hr to 1.5-hrs.

I suppose that’s the lesson Life is trying to teach me:

“Can’t do them all son, you can only choose one or the other…not both”


My fiancee audited my expenses. It turns out that I wasn’t handling my finances properly.

If I continued doing what I’m doing–my line of credit will rise up uncontrollably.

Hence, the importance of a partner who can help you see through what’s really happening when you fail to pay attention.