Week 25

What's On My Mind

“What am I good at?”

I spent about 20-minutes on my journal trying to figure out what I’m good at that other people would care about.

This whole idea of sharing your services or expertise to others AND getting paid for it is an attractive venture I wanted to pursue. This explains why I consume a lot of information and why I try different things but seem to go nowhere.

But after a while, you burn out. That’s what I felt these past two weeks. The burn made me entertain the idea of quitting.

However, this is not the first time I felt this. I know by now that the feeling is temporary. It will pass. In reality, it is an internal signal that tells me I need to take a break – not only from work but from ALL of it (watching Youtube videos, reading books, e-mails, and everything related to entrepreneurship and brand building).

A Year Ago This Week

  • Life discussions with co-workers:
    • Is “meeting deadlines” more important than “quality work”?
    • Is buying a house considered a financial investment?
    • What’s in it for me? What’s in it for them?
    • Whiners suck up your energy.
    • Our department needs some serious improvement
  • Found a good video that teaches you how to get rich without getting lucky

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

I’m currently writing about the value of job-hopping.

It is a contradiction to the old belief that job-hopping shows a lack of loyalty to your employer. I thought about posting this on my website but I decided to send this off to a publication instead. Why? The chance to gain an audience, validate how good my writing is, and validate the idea itself.


I’m almost ready to present the insurance deck. Patiently waiting for people to schedule an appointment with me.


Speaking of presentations, I can’t help but feel nervous whenever I’m about to do one.

We had this presentation at work and all I had to do was demo the tool we created.

When you do a demo, it’s more about showing than talking. And yet I still felt scared as shit.

This tells me I definitely need to expose myself more to it.

I need to do my reps.


5 AM workout is still in check. However, I stopped the habit of running on the treadmill.

Work has been exhausting lately and I’ve been leaving my desk later than usual. It also reduced my time with Lexi.

The burnout I feel is my own doing. This shows that I have to learn how to prioritize. This means cutting off tasks and other activities that don’t quite make a big impact. Cutting off a task is easy—deciding which one to cut is HARD. The FOMO is real…


I let my fiancee manage my finance. My expenses are much more efficient now. We are now operating on a strict budget. That’s a good start.

But I also need to do my part. I intend to do that by finding another source of income.