Week 26

What Happened This Week

I’m finally fully vaccinated against COVID.

However, I have the hybrid type – a mix of Moderna and Pfizer.

I tried to push for a full Pfizer but it looks like there’s a lack of supply.

My guess is that the government is saving the supply for the kids and the most vulnerable.


It’s also my 2nd week of trying intermittent fasting.

Why fasting?

Out of curiosity and to see if it’s something worth adding to my lifestyle.

So far, I like it because…

  • I don’t have to worry about eating dinner.
    I can get ready for bed a lot faster (since I’m brushing my teeth about 4-hrs earlier than usual.
  • I’m burning fat with zero effort.


I applied for a free online course on content marketing by UC Davis – courtesy of Coursera.

Why? Well, why not? It’s free!

But why content marketing?
It seems like I’m missing some fundamentals with the way I create and publish my work out there.

And so far, from working on Week 1 of the course, I realized I’m not doing something that critical: research.

That’s all for this week.

A Year Ago This Week

  • sent a survey to close friends/family to acquire an intel on how other people view me. Why? It’s one of the ways to figure out what my personal brand is.
  • asking for help is pretty tough for me.
  • I decided to cut down on my caffeine intake. Welp, that didn’t last long lol!

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