Week 28

What's On My Mind

“Damn I thought I had access to it for life…”

I’ve been working on polishing up my writing to build an audience and thought about revisiting the course I bought (two years ago) for some tips. Only to find out, that it has expired. I didn’t realize that access to the course is membership-based: access to the content has an expiry date (similar to Netflix’s model of business).

That broke my heart because I didn’t get to see the return in my investment (in terms of monetary value). But I became better at writing from going through it.

This experience made me create this rule before I invest in another course:

Don’t buy it unless you’re ready to commit to doing the work.

Most of the courses I bought do not have an expiry date. The idea is to have access to these resources when I need them.

The real value in that copywriting course was the coaching calls.

Coaching calls creates accountability. You don’t wanna show up in the call and ask a question if you haven’t done any of the work – because that’s a waste of everyone’s valuable time. The point? A coach makes you do work that matters.

A Year Ago This Week

  • What’s The difference between an expensive haircut and a cheap haircut. [Spoiler Alert] It’s the whole experience that comes from the service provider.
  • On honesty and empathy.
  • Started looking into Questrade as a way to improve my finance.

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

Society6 paid me $1.36 – I’m not sure if someone purchased something from my store or if it was just a glitch. I have not accessed my Society6 in years. But it’s cool to see how a random person out there finds interest in my work. I couldn’t even log back in anymore. It wouldn’t let me recover or change my password.

I’m thinking about leaving my brand as an “ms painter” brand. I downloaded GIMP as an alternative. 


I haven’t made any appointments for my insurance presentation yet…


I’m getting better at using Excel due to the side-projects I do at work.


Still waiting to be approved as a contributor for Ascent…


I increased the weights I carry by 5-lbs.

I’m playing with the idea of getting up 30-minutes earlier to open up more time for writing. That means getting up at 3:30 AM.


I updated my “grandfather” account with my bank. I’ve had that account for more than 15 years lol – never bothered to update it.

I also requested to cancel my insurance on my line of credit – to reduce fees that could’ve been used for other financial needs.