Week 28

Knowing “what’s up” is irresistible.

The first thing I do as soon as I get up is to check my e-mail (hoping for some good news). Then I check Instagram for any interesting posts. Then I check my Medium stats. What the hell am I looking for?

Finding something interesting to start my day.

But this is a terrible way to start it because if I don’t find anything interesting, it results to like a slight form of depression.

This tells me that I need to regulate the way I use my phone to keep my dopamine levels in check. This drove me to remove Medium on my phone. I find myself consistently checking my stats after a story has been published.

Attention is addicting but I’m not gonna let it control me.


I read an interesting article about addiction to productivity.

I suppose it’s a thing. And it does make sense because I find it hard to stay still. I feel like I need to be always on the go-go-go, which, is a recipe for burnout. The simple of act of checking your phone (for notifications) while you’re waiting in line is also equivalent to that.

Perhaps I need to start meditating again to help me stay still. Why did I stop meditating anyway? Because I can stay present if needed. Is that an accurate assessment?

Most likely not because the cure for boredom is presence.


How do you pass your knowledge to others in a short amount of time?

This is the challenge I’m currently facing right now. How do I enable others to do what I do? How can I make my absence the best thing that ever happened to the team I work with and to myself?

I don’t know the answers just yet but I want to start by making others feel like everyone can do what I do.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I was stressed at work…
  • thought about learning Inkscape a year ago. I still haven’t learned how to use it.
  • we tried camping with Lexi in the backyard but ended up going back to the house because she couldn’t sleep. Well, that happened again last night. We didn’t stay at the campground.

[read here]