Week 29

Keep It Short

Whoever reads this blog spends an average of 1-minute before they decide to do something else.

But that’s not the reason why I intended this week’s update to be short.

It’s short because I haven’t had enough time to think about what to write – even though I’m only writing about whatever happened this week.

It’s called “brain dump” – to get all the thoughts out of my head so I don’t have to rely on my memory to remember what those thoughts were.

So what happened this week?

I Do

An unconscious commitment can leave a scar that could be a lifetime reminder of what not to do.

A conscious commitment, on the other hand, could be the best thing that ever happened in your life.

Both can lead to positive outcomes but one is much more painful while the other attracts a feeling of gratitude.

Commitments require work – not just physically but also mentally and emotionally.

And that often entails continuous work – which is what we tend to forget.

If you wanted it to last, then you can’t be lazy about it. You can’t be complacent about it.

May that be a marriage, a house, a car, a relationship, self-esteem, business – doesn’t matter.

All the valuable things in life require work.

Now, why the hell am I talking about commitments?

A friend of mine just got married.

I wish them all the best.

Ready Up

Now that most of the major events are over, it is now a little less hard for me to focus on getting my shit together.

For some reason, I’m motivated to set my life back to its “ideal” settings – get in good physical and mental shape.

That includes – eating healthier, sleeping better and try to be more physically fit.

She’s on her way and I want to be ready when she gets here.

A Year Ago This Week


  • talked about death – the opposite of this weeks update
  • considered buying a life insurance

[Read more about it here]


Goal Update

Personal Projects

I need to do some reflecting and do an “inventory check” of my goals.

I’ll try to get some of that done today.


Now that most of the major life events are over, I can focus better now at getting my shit together.

No, I’m not saying that as if my life is a mess. I just wanted to improve my health this month – before she gets here.


I’m going to attempt to spend time to learn more about retirement funds.

Find more of my work here, here and here