Week 29

Whenever I’m doing tasks that do not require a lot of thinking (ie. washing the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, organizing), I listen to podcasts.

This week’s takeaway was about VOLUME.

It’s probably the main reason why success is taking a little longer. It’s not because you’re doing the wrong thing. It’s because you’re not doing enough of it. And the only way for you to realize that is to meet someone who’s on it and who isn’t as super successful as your heroes. You’re not looking for the best, but someone a little better than you. Why? The goal needs to be realistic.

The higher the volume (of your effort), the louder it will be, the higher the chances of grabbing others’ attention.


I published an article with a publication known to have “low quality”.

It’s been more than 3 days now and it only gathered 6 views! Is it the publication? Is it the algorithm? Is it the headline? The topic? Man, it could be anything.  But instead of answering those questions, I decided to try engaging in other people’s content instead.

In other words, instead of waiting for the algorithm to show my face to other users in the platform, I’ll say hi to them instead–a direct, sure-fire approach to tell the others I exist.


Smoke came out of our AC unit yesterday.

My daughter’s room’s doorknob broke.

Faucet is leaking.

Just thinking about fixing these things used to overwhelm me. But today, I’m more like, “Ok then let’s fix it”. None of those, “Sonuvabitch! Now I need to take time from my already busy day to get these things fixed or call someone to do it!”, OR,  “How much is this going to cost me?”,  OR “Man why does this shit happen?!”


A Year Ago This Week

  • I got yelled at by one of the Sales Managers at work huhuhu.
  • Whenever I feel tired, my inner critic has a habit of showing up — convincing me that I deserve a break.
  • I’ve been thinking about joining a community lately, however, the ones I wanted to join are pretty expensive to be a part of.

[read here]