Week 31

What's On My Mind

“C’mon now…”

It irritates me whenever I get into an intense discussion with a co-worker. It rarely happens…but I feel terrible when it does.

A member of my team delegated some work to me – work that (I thought) didn’t belong under my scope of responsibilities. However, to this person, it was the opposite – the work should be under my scope of responsibilities.

This is typically where the tension starts – when one assumes the other SHOULD do this or that.

We all know how assumptions make us look. But the real issue here has less to do with the assumption – it is the avoidance of doing work we’re not comfortable with.

What makes it uncomfortable? We don’t know how to address the issue because we don’t know much about it. And so, we pass the task along to someone who could and relieve us from the going through this challenge.

I have to admit, I understand the subject better than this person. However, agreeing to the task could expand my scope of work. So I refused – we are both selfish that way.

Nobody likes to do extra work.

But I want my team to become better. The more they rely on me, the more handicapped they are when I’m not around to help them.

This is why I hate being called an “expert” – it turns me into a funnel for problems I don’t really wanna deal with.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I’m failed to take care of myself.
  • What’s on the “outside” matters.
  • I started investing with Questrade.

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

Another opportunity to publish my article came up.

Not sure if it’s going to be accepted this time but…hey what do I have to lose?

That meant updating the whole article to cater to a different audience: licensed professionals.


Currently looking into booking another presentation appointment (for selling life insurance).


I successfully completed 2-months of consistently working out on weekdays.

It’s been 2 weeks now since we started eating healthier. The result? Lost 3 lbs.

That may not be a lot, but it’s still progress. 

My fiancee thinks that now our 2-month contract of working out and all that is over, I’m gonna slack around get back into the guy who doesn’t work out. I gotta admit that crossed my mind. But after working out for 2-months–it became a habit I don’t really wanna give up.


I might need to get up earlier again to spend more time on editing articles.


I am now set-up to write and make money on Medium. Cha-ching!

Shout out to Russel of Magnacharge – he gave me a good deal on car batteries–and educated me how car batteries work. I paid 20% less than the original price. Cha-ching!

Picked up a new credit card that allows us to save more money on our expenses. Cha-ching!