Week 39

Back on Shrooms

I acquired it legally. No, it’s not one of those that make you hallucinate, but rather it makes you more relaxed but not in cannabis kind of way. The reason?

To get better sleep.

You see, Alexis has control over my sleeping habits. One solution I wanna experiment with is by sleeping an hour earlier than my usual. That would be around 8 PM. The logic?

Alexis is usually up between 12 AM and 2 AM. By then, I already have about 4 to 6-hrs of sleep. So when I’m forced to get up during those hours, I wouldn’t be as groggy.

To initiate my body from feeling sleepy, I’ve also been taking melatonin pills at around 7:30 PM.

But the hardest among all the steps is when I had to give up my 10 AM coffee. After listening to Peter Attia’s podcast with Matthew Walker, I learned that caffeine can stay in your body for about 12-hours.

My goal is to have zero caffeine in my system before going to bed. That means I have to stop my caffeine consumption at about 8 AM if I’m planning to go to bed at 8 PM.

So far I’ve been ok with following this new routine. The latest I slept would be at around 8:30 PM. The adjustment will take a while but I think I’m going in the right direction.

The mushroom I was talking about earlier is a drink (reishi mushroom extract). It doesn’t taste like your typical hot chocolate drink but rather it’s more like tea infused with chocolate and a hint of cinnamon.

I found them at Save-On-Foods at the “Organic/Healthy Stuff” section.

More Action, Less Consumption

Having a dad bod is something I wanna avoid. I wanna deviate from the mass as much as possible but I’m failing really bad at it.

My clothes feel like they shrunk. It feels like I’m having a hard time breathing because my clothes are constricting my gut from fully expanding. I don’t want the button of my shirt to snap and fly off and hit someone in the face when I fully exhale LOL. Not sure if I can get HR’d for that but it sure is a safety concern.

However, not only I’m doing poorly in the physical health department but also on the “taking action” side of things.

I read every day. I learn something new every day. But I don’t retain the information nor apply some of them.

This week I decided to read less and try to apply more of what I’m learning – to practice with high intensity.

A lot of the stuff I read about takes months to practice and develop because you’re not going to be able to see the real value of it until years of implementation.

Can’t expect a plant to become a tree and bear fruits in a 3-months.

I need to be realistic…

Eating 20-lbs of Meat in One-Sitting

That’s what my workload feels like lately as I’ve agreed to take on too many side projects at work.

I like how it is a challenge because now I’m forced to become more efficient with my actions.

There are a few opportunities here to push me to become more creative at tackling each project as they all have tight deadlines.

This is similar to the training we acquire from going to school – handling a shitload of projects at once with deadlines that are almost impossible to meet.

The only difference is that this time, we’re talking about your career which you heavily rely on to pay your bills and put food on your family’s table.

There’s a lot at risk. A lot to learn. And a lot to gain as well.

Life sometimes presents us with challenges we couldn’t imagine we can surpass.

That’s because it knows we need to be stretched in such a way that it preps us for a bigger challenge we are about to face.

A Year Ago This Week

I wrote about…

  • paranoia
  • dinner with a boss
  • my asshole-ness – which I quickly regret doing

[read here]


Goal Update

Personal Projects

Just finished drafting my MSPaint Ad. It’s called “Who is it for?” [see here].

I also started practicing how to create curiosity with my writing.

Also planning to update previous blogs, re-release it, then boost my post with Facebook.



The goal is to be up at 330 AM.

Sounds challenging but doable.

In fact, I got up today at around that same time.

The next step is to do that again for the next few days.



I’m not a big fan of hand-me-downs but I grew with hand-me-downs.

I highly appreciate the baby stuff I’ve been given by a friend. I’m actually a little overwhelmed because he gave us a lot.

And I’m not talking about stuff that belongs to the garbage bin. The stuff he gave was barely used. If I was in his position, I’d sell them all online for extra $.

But he didn’t. He was generous about it. If you’re reading this now, Lexi is thankful for it.

Find more of my work here, here and here