Week 4

I learned of a Filipino local store that is somewhat doing the same as this local bakery I’ve made content for.

This isn’t to say that they weren’t on social media before. But their social media game improved. Now, what does this tell me? Local stores are starting to take social media more seriously.

I’m wondering if I can ghostwrite for them…?


I’ve been sleep-deprived so much that it is now “normal”.

Meaning, I shouldn’t even complain about it. It just is. But here’s an insight I learned this week that makes me feel less tired: Stop looking at the clock!

This isn’t to say 7-hrs of sleep is not important. But if 7-hrs of continuous sleep is too challenging to meet consistently, you find ways to adapt and make it feel less tiring than it is.


I’ve learned of changes at work that I’m not excited about.

I’m thinking about a career shift (a different position or a different company that offers full remote).

Or perhaps find a side hustle that could bump up my earnings?

A Year Ago This Week

  • Following your circadian rhythm works better than meeting your minimum 7-hrs of sleep.
  • Fell in the rabbit hole of real estate investment.
  • Decided to focus on being present to my family.

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