Week 4

Meditation Finding Time to Meditate

In progress. I wasn’t able to find a good time to meditate. I thought about getting up earlier in the morning. But trying to get myself to sleep earlier is a whole another goal by itself. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the direction of my career. Add that to the daily things I already worry about: breakfast, lunch, dinner, the dishes, drawing, grocery, catching up with emails, cleaning the kitchen, the dining table and scraping the frozen car windows.

It’s a challenge. But is it really? I need to remind myself “Busy is a decision” (the go-to mantra of priority and freeing up some of my time to do something).

Exercise for 15-Minutes

I’ve been doing 70 jumping jacks while I’m waiting for the Keurig to brew my coffee. I do this right after getting off the bed to wake myself up. It only takes a couple minutes. “Something is better than nothing” right?

I should probably add 10 push-ups. Yes, I’m going to add some push-ups and just gradually increase the number of reps or routines to the set. We’ll see…

Job Interview

I told everyone I’ll be leaving early because I have a car appointment. But everyone also knew it wasn’t a car appointment. “Everyone” consist of 3 people. It wasn’t an announcement.

How did it go? At first, I think it went OK. But after telling other people about it, I felt a little worried. I didn’t feel confident I would get the job. I also understand it’s done and there isn’t really anything I can do about it. It’s all part of the past now. The decision isn’t up to me either. I can’t control the outcome of the interview. I can only increase the chances of achieving the outcome I wanted. There are no guarantees in life. That said, it’s pointless to talk and reminisce about it, to either feel regret or satisfaction. But I did anyway. Why? Others asked.

Could I have done or said something to make myself feel more confident about it? No.

I think I did my “best”. And when I say “best”, what I really meant was “I was honest”. I didn’t try to bullshit my way to make them feel I’m the best candidate for the position. Bullshitting can blow up in your face especially when the interviewer has an accurate “bullshit filter”. So what did I do? I answered the questions the best way I could (without lying).

Others would ask what the interview questions were and they will share their answers. Some of their answers made perfect sense which leads me to question mine. Then I wonder if I answered the question right. But this is where the problem is. I THINK interview questions are not about giving the right or wrong answers. A lot of people focus on giving the ‘right’ answers. This is a crippling strategy because you have to mentally check first if your answer is ‘right’ before saying something. Others are waiting for your answer while you are discussing things mentally with yourself. The interview room is also a high-pressure environment. That said, it’s a little too much for your brain to process all these things simultaneously.

But in reality, interview questions are there to show them your personality. How you answer or react to a certain situation would tell them if you’re cut out for the job. So if there is one tip I can give on job interviews (I’ve been to a few since I jumped around from one company to another), it would be: BE HONEST.

Most people apply for jobs because they need a job. Everyone wants to make money ASAP (especially if there’s a student loan you need to pay for). Job desperation can get you the worst job ever BUT you also learn A LOT from it. When you’re starting your career out, welcome the stress and inequality in a workplace. DO NOT RESIST IT. I did. Beggars are not choosers. And since I was just starting out with zero experience, I approached job interviews with honesty mixed with bullshit.

But that was only when I was starting out. After a while, you gain enough experience that you no longer need to bullshit because you’ve already experienced the bullshits of a job.

Pressure Cooker

It was a Christmas gift. I learned how to use it and tested it. My findings? I like how it only takes an hour to make the meat tender. BUT it’s not as tasty compared to the “traditional” 3-4 hours of cooking. Also, I’m not allowed to “fix” what I’m cooking (can’t add more spices or water or whatever) because the pot is completely sealed. Or perhaps I’m not using it right. I will Google it later.


I freed about 10-15 minutes of my day from using a dishwasher. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind washing the dishes by hand but my tight schedule doesn’t permit me to get them done on time. Except on weekends. I have time on weekends.

Photo by Catt Liu on Unsplash

The Greatest Showman

Saw it yesterday. I loved it. I wanted to clap my hands after the movie but I resisted. There were a few who did. I liked it better than Les Miserables. I can’t even remember what Les Miserables was all about. Perhaps I’m shallow and I can’t understand plays…