Week 41


It’s been a quiet week. Just me and the turtle at home. Not a lot of “action” at work either.

This week has been the opposite of my regular/busier (preferred) week. Silence is “deafening” in a way. Or is it?

You can hear the clock ticking, the humming of the fridge and that steady tone similar to that ringing in your ear.

It stuns you for a moment…blinds you then shoot you with a feeling of loneliness.

Like a series of flashbangs in COD3 that could get you your “flow” killed.

So how am I dealing with it?

Simple – snap out of it then continue to do whatever it is I am supposed to be doing – work on my long-term goals to reach financial freedom and craft a healthy lifestyle.

To rekindle the fire within, I started writing more “seriously” on my…


Journaling is my go-to solution to vent out all the thoughts that have been lingering in my head – to effectively deal with overwhelm.

It’s a safe place to dump all my ideas, wishes, goals, insights and everything I find very very personal.

A storage of my thoughts and feelings that would make people go “WTF are you thinking?” or “Wow, I never thought you thought about things that way”.

It also works like a wishing well – that actually works. But instead of tossing coins, what you need instead are very very “strong” emotions – strong enough to make you take action and be accountable for your actions. It was one of the strategies I learned from reading “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. How do I know it works?

I re-read some of my old journals (about 3 – 5 years ago), to see how much of the things I’ve written came true. My assessment? I’d say about 90% (which is pretty shocking).

Of course, I had no idea how things will work out then. It sounds like I’m full of shit saying this but it is—true.

If that strategy worked then, I’m sure it will work again. Which is why I started doing it again – to summon that same drive I once had.

I’m not looking to convince the skeptics because 85% of the improvement that happens in my life cannot be seen on the outside. There is no way I can make them believe that I’m in a much better position than I was in the past few years.

And even when I feel or think that – I wouldn’t want to show it anyway. I prefer to keep my life as private as I can. This may be a product of my introversion. But I think it’s more about this deliberate practice of not caring what other people think.

This blog site (no one really knows about) is probably the most “public thing” I do. It’s where I can be transparent (but not so much that you can see me inside and out).

But I also have other social media accounts. I used them to pepper Google Search with “reyesrjt” to promote my writing and illustrations:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/jep.reyes.5 

Art Station – https://www.artstation.com/reyesrjt 

Quora – https://reyesrjt.quora.com/ 

Medium – https://medium.com/@reyes.rjt 

WordPress – https://reyesrjt.wordpress.com/ 

Deviantart – https://www.deviantart.com/reyesrjt 

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/reyesrjt/?hl=en  where I consistently promote my artwork and sold some of my…

Blank Greeting Cards

A friend supported some of my work and decided to buy 5 cards for $3/each (Winnipeg location only – as shipping costs extra).

This was another one of those experiments I did to find out if people like to have their own personalized card to send out to people they cared about.

No, I’m not talking about a photo or postcards with your family pictures or portraits that say ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Halloween’ or ‘*Insert Occasion*’.

I’m talking about greeting cards with PERSONALIZED ARTWORK.

If you’re interested, please send me a text message or a private message through one of the social media accounts I listed above.

Below are the cards available for purchase:

I’ve been focusing more lately on improving my writing skills.

That means I wouldn’t be posting new artwork for a while.

The focus will be more on promotion.

I wanted to launch a new blog series this January but as I’m writing the first of the series, I noticed I’m suffering from…

Writer’s Block

I’ve got so much stuff I wanted to talk about – so much that I couldn’t organize my thoughts properly.

I’m probably overthinking things. I don’t know yet. But what I realized is that I need to create a “system” to allow me to write freely.

I enjoy writing this Weekly Updates because I can just blabber whatever the fuck I want.

However, for this new series, I wanted to take things “up the notch”.

I wanna write about something that’s really valuable to others. But what’s valuable to others?

Money? Fame? Losing Weight? Career? Companionship?

I don’t really know. But I’m going to start writing about the journey I’ve been on for quite a while now.

The goal to generate SIDE INCOME.