Week 45

Good Things COULD Happen At 3AM

Daylight Savings gave me the opportunity to re-adjust my wake-up time.

I figured the magic number would be 3 AM.

I understand that sounds super early – a “what-were-you-thinking” kind of early.

But that’s what I need to work in “both worlds”:

  • World A = a work environment when no one is around
  • World B = a work environment where everyone is available to reach out for and/or provide help to others.

Getting up at 3 AM means starting work at 5:30 AM. That gives me about 2-hrs to focus on tasks that require a lot of focus.

However, I haven’t been successful at coming in at 5:30 AM just yet. This is one of those new habits I’m experimenting with.

This week I was pretty consistent at starting at 5:45 AM. Doing that means I get to get off work at 2:15 PM which feels like I’ve only worked for half a day.

To some, that might sound extreme. To others, it makes sense.

But that’s one of the reasons why I love my job – it gives me the freedom to come in whenever I feel like it – as long as I do my 8-hrs.

Be Patient, The Struggle is Temporary

That’s what my Grandma keeps repeating to me every time I’m on the phone with her.

Then she shared the struggle she and my grandfather back in the day when they started their family.

She worked her ass off to support my grandfather with school while she was pregnant. She also mentioned how they decided to live in this small space they found because they realized it’s better to live in a place where you can live on your own terms. Then she went on about how they had to clean the bottles and warm-up milk back then.

Parents these days don’t have to go through that anymore. Life has become more convenient.

Hearing her story makes me feel like I don’t have the right to complain about the smallest things.

I experienced what it’s like to live in “borderline” poverty as a kid. It’s the reason why I have a much lower standard in terms of what we consider a “good life”.

First Draft Sucks

I typically start writing my weekly updates on Saturdays to give me some time to tweak it on Sundays. However, yesterday, I blanked out. I had what’s called a writer’s block. I have no idea what I’m going to write about.

This, what you’re reading now is the first draft. And since it’s written on a Sunday and I don’t have time to tweak it because I have to go to work today (yes, I’m aware it’s Sunday).

But regardless of the quality of the post, I have to release it to the public. It’s called a habit – a practice that I need to commit to. So much so that it becomes a muscle.

This reminds me of this principle I wanted to go by:

Ideal situations rarely exist…

A Year Ago This Week

I wrote about…

  • minimalism and contentment.
  • studying insurance
  • investing in yourself

[read here]


Goal Update

Personal Projects

Damn logos. It took a crapload of my time. Though I knew that logos are not that important, I spent time choosing and creating one anyway. Why? I just enjoy browsing and creating.

What I suck at? Content promotion.

My fiancee nudged me to start thinking about launching an e-store.

I’m also looking into paid ads.



I borrowed my mom’s Anova Sous Vide to cook steaks.

“Steaks” sounds fancy and expensive. But I’m actually just talking about a slab of meat.

I like the set-and-forget settings that allow me to do other things while it’s cooking. It’s kind of like a rice cooker but for meat.

I’m thinking about using it more often. 



Nothing new here. Just rolling with the punches.


Find more of my work here, here and here