Week 46

A month ago, I had a mission to publish one article a week.

This week, I published 3 articles.  I talked about…

  • How your daily shower teaches you the difference between discipline and motivation.
  • How meditation is a lot like beating the Queen of the Valkyries – I’m talking about a videogame.
  • How I practiced an abundance mindset when the time-shifted (daylight savings).

It’s a new record I want to beat.


I saw my doctor this week, 3 years later.

She asked, “What brought you here?”

General check-up. I haven’t had one for a while now. I wanted to get checked last year but then there’s the pandemic.

The check-up was quick.

Just as they say, “prevention is better than cure”.


This week, I noticed 3 questions I ask myself when I journal:

  • What did I learn yesterday?
  • What can I do today to improve my performance yesterday?
  • What are the big questions I need to ask to help myself commit to my goals?

The intent is to reflect and create awareness of my actions.

A lot of times, we are unconscious of what the hell we are doing.

Wake Up!

A Year Ago This Week

  • It’s been a year since my grandma passed away…the pain is still there – it comes, then it goes…

[nothing to read here]