Week 48

Medium tweeted my article, which, spiked the number of reads in my stats.

Then I had my first troll LOL. Now, Medium tweeting my article doesn’t mean much other than it’s an “interesting” article. Please note that if you really read what I wrote, it’s NOT a hack.

But what’s more interesting is that this article didn’t take me long to write. I actually had fun sharing it.

Perhaps that’s the takeaway behind Medium’s decision to tweet my article.


While my Medium tweeting my article gave me a temporary high, the results of my bloodwork gave me a temporary low.

It turns out, the iron levels in my tissue are high. It might be what’s known as Hemochromatosis. The assumption is that it could be genetic, but I’m not aware of any family member who would have it.

But the doctor said it’s treatable.

Friends, here’s a key OBVIOUS takeaway:

See your doctor for a general check-up at least once a year!


I’ve been dabbling on the idea of Dopamin Fast.

I wanna learn more about it to regulate the enjoyment I feel from the pleasures of life. It directly ties into post-partum depression: that depression you feel after feeling amazingly good. I’ve reached a point in my “I-wanna-be-productive” journey where I feel like I need to do more to feel “productive”.

Getting shit done feels normal to me now.

But perhaps, that’s just how it is.

I wanna call myself “productive”, but calling myself that feels icky…

A Year Ago This Week

  • CTTAM accepted my article for their Magazine’s Winter 2020 Edition.
  • I was thankful. No, this has nothing to do with the US Thanksgiving.
  • I came across a book on Buddhism that changed the way I experience meditation.
  • I decided to add kettlebell swings in my “quick morning workout”.

[read here]