Week 6

Finding Time to Meditate

I was able to meditate for 10-minutes on Thursday at 6:00 AM because I had extra time to kill.

What happened? I got up too early.

Because I couldn’t sleep properly.

Because I had too many things going on in my head.

Perhaps because I’m anxious and excited at the same time?

Because I learned the night before that I can finally move on from my current job.

I meditated because I needed to calm my mind from thinking too much. It’s my go-to solution for stopping myself from creating too many scenarios that may not even happen.

Our imagination can take us to a place where its way too far from reality. This article I read on creativity made me realize that.

People often comment on how I think too much about stuff. I don’t know why but I love to study my own thoughts. Or is it because I wanted to exercise my imagination, or in this case my creativity?

Constraints, rules or exceptions are needed to come up with better ideas. Meditating constraints my mind by disregarding all the non-important stuff: Worry about what matters NOW, worry about everything else later.

You must have heard of “Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it”? Well, it’s the same idea, but from a different perspective.


Exercise for 2-Minutes

I was successful at adding 10 air-squats to the current set. But I missed 2-days out of 7. Why? Well, there are days when you just don’t feel like doing it because you had more important things to worry about.

Am I making excuses? Perhaps. But I’m not gonna whip myself for missing those 2 days. Mistakes happen. Bad decisions happen.

Making yourself feel bad about it will not make things better. Don’t get me wrong, you should feel bad about things you messed up but do not dwell in it. It’s a lot easier to forgive others than to forgive ourselves. Why? I’m not sure. Probably because the standard we set ourselves to is too high.



Change happens all the time. We adapt to the change most of the time. The deeper question is: how long does it take for you to adapt to change?

The answer? It depends. Everyone deals with things differently, therefore, there is no single answer to it.

But that’s what I’m gonna go through in the next few weeks. How do I plan on dealing with it? By planning how to deal with it. What do I mean?

I’ll start by updating my daily routine or schedule to allow me to become more efficient at everything. Then I’ll update the list of goals for my career, finance, health and my artwork.

I was supposed to update them before the year started by I haven’t had a chance.


Online Grocery Shopping

Nowadays, I value ‘time’ more than ‘money’. Time is unrenewable while money isn’t. That is why I’m thankful for online grocery shopping. I don’t have to walk around, wait in line and spend more than what I actually needed. For $3.00, I can save almost 30-minutes to 1-hour of my time. The more time I make, the more time I can spend to do things better or do something different.

Yea I value my time a lot. I always tell everyone I’m ‘busy’ but my definition of ‘busy’ is different from everyone else. I don’t even bother explaining why I’m busy. And when people ask what I do all day? I tell them I play video games all day every day in my parent’s basement.

That became my go-to response. To most people (I don’t open up to), that seems like a valid answer. They stop digging for more details after that. Then I get them to tell me about their life story. And guess what? They are more than happy to share their story regardless if it’s good or bad.

Asking me about my story was just a set-up for sharing their story. Most people don’t really listen to what you say. They care more about how you listen or respond to their story.

There isn’t anything negative about that. It’s just how it is. And that’s just perfect. Why? I’m an introvert who doesn’t share much. I don’t like the spotlight. And so I give them the spotlight 😉

Photo by Oscar Keys on Unsplash