Week 8

What's On My Mind

“Get a hold of yourself!”


I missed some of my deadlines at work, not once but twice.

That’s unacceptable. My supervisor was not happy.

My excuse? I did not have a full definition of the task. The deadline that was written was either unclear or it wasn’t written. In short, I was blind.

And when you’re blind, how the hell are you even going to react or navigate your way through?

You proceed with caution, take your time, stretch your arms out as you move forward and hope you’d feel or hit something you should be avoiding. In short, I guessed and hoped for the best – a risky move.

But what didn’t dawn on me until today was that I needed to take full responsibility for my inability to address the blind spot in my process.

I can figure out those deadlines. But since I have an overwhelming to-do-list and I didn’t wanna add more menial tasks to it, I relied on others to fill that gap for me.

But the others either did not know they should provide this info or perhaps, they themselves (like me) don’t wanna add more menial tasks to their also overwhelming to-do-list.

I already overwhelmed with stuff to do. Arguing who should provide what is not going to help reduce that list, it just adds more to it.

So f*ck it – I’m taking full responsibility.

A Year Ago This Week

  • took a photo of my food. A big no-no #hypocrite
  • I came up with some metaphors using a juicer, books, and double-edged swords.
  • “Good enough” is not good enough.

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

My 9-5 job has taken over my headspace for the past few weeks combined with the process of moving and Lexi’s potential allergy (hasn’t been confirmed yet).

Needless to say, I didn’t have time to think about any of my side projects.

But I went to another training on selling insurance yesterday.

I hope I can put more focus on this next month.



Sleep training Lexi is on-going. Her routine directly affects our routine.

Today, I was able to write at my preferred time – 5:00 AM.

Thanks to my fiancee who supported my desire to write in solitude.

I now have a place in the basement to be creative and space to get away from the week’s stressors.


Carpet cleaning the apartment (professionally) = DONE.

Handing keys off and last day inspection = PENDING.

Man, I can’t wait to get this moving done and over with.

Find more of my work here, here and here