Week 8

I was considered a “high performer ” at work.

That sounds great and all but if that doesn’t convert to a good salary raise, then the review almost feels useless. Now, that makes me sound like I only care about money. I don’t deny that I care about money but the team dynamics are more valuable to me.

Would you rather get paid a shitload of money and work with toxic individuals?

Or get paid at an “ok” rate and work with individuals you enjoy working with?

Of course, the answer is that you want both. But here’s the question that dispels that conflict: can you put a price on a good work environment?


I’m learning more and more about real estate stuff.

I now understand the role of prime rates in your HELOC and mortgage payments. I learned the strategy of using mortgage segmentation to temporarily lower your loan interest. I also now understand why it’s important to know when a house is built. It’s because of the building code and its relationship to home insurance, which, affects your overall monthly expenses.

Yup, continuous learning.


I’ve been getting less sleep lately.

I occasionally find myself torn between going back to bed to clock in more sleep hours, OR, to get up already to follow my circadian rhythm. Both lead to minor headaches (due to either sleep deprivation or disrupting your circadian rhythm). But I noticed is that following your circadian rhythm is the lesser of two evils.

If lack of sleep hours is the problem, then there’s an easy solution to that: nap.

A Year Ago This Week

  • bough Snagit to screencap how I MSPaint.
  • wrote about life insurance, to apply what I’m learning about content marketing. *P.S. I’m no longer an agent

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