Week 10

What's On My Mind

“This needs to stop now…”

I broke my watch’s strap this week – it is old. It has worn out.

My chair at work broke – must be because I’m heavier now and probably because it is old.

That old hoodie I had for years finally gave in due to probably the hundreds of washes it had that made the fabric fragile. Again, it is that old.

This tells me that it is probably time to buy new stuff.

My fiancee and I have had that thought too before. When Lexi joined our team, how we look to others didn’t matter as much.

I don’t wanna use Lexi as an excuse to care less about ourselves – that’s not the point. Lexi as an addition, not a replacement. Meaning, we need to take good care of her AND also ourselves. We don’t need to give up one over the other.

We are both aware that if we wanted to take good care of Lexi, we need to take better care of ourselves.

Yup, this has to stop…


A Year Ago This Week

  • Burned out…
  • I turned to e-mail newsletters instead of books
  • thought about flipping Tenikles

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

I got an e-mail saying that this online course I bought a couple of years ago is going to shut down and it will be upgraded into a much better version.

But the upgrade is not free.

I’m pretty confident that the upgrade is worth it. Still today, I think that the premium course I bought is worth it.

However, my issue has nothing to do with the quality of the course – it’s the amount of time I can dedicate to it.

I gotta say I’m tempted to pay for the upgrade. But I cannot justify paying for something if I can’t even put in the time. I need to create a healthy routine first that would allow me to juggle between my responsibilities while pursuing my side projects.

For now, I’m going to say no – not only to investing in online courses but also to buying new books.


The new daily routine is still under construction.

Reyvi is sick. Lexi is sick. It would make sense for me to get sick, but so far I’m ok.

One of us needs to be well to take care of the other.

These days, it’s scary to get sick due to the coronavirus outbreak. Below are some legit resources I found about COVID-19:



Link to [COVID-19 Legit Reports/Info]
Source: Tim Ferriss’s 5-Bullet Friday



While subtle racism can surface due to the corona outbreak, I can understand why. When you are scared, you can’t help but do everything you can to protect yourself.

When my fiancee got herself checked by the doctor to make sure she doesn’t have strep throat, with the fear of infecting Lexi, she was asked 3x if she ever left the country. The doctor also advised her that if her condition gets worse, she needs to go straight to the hospital or urgent care – not to her clinic.

She did not feel offended in any way. Perfectly understandable.

Then there’s I who sits beside a fellow Asian at work. And she coughs like…well…the kind that makes you wanna worry you don’t wanna get infected. I had thoughts like, “You cough like a dragon with lungs filled with gunk. Shouldn’t you be at home recovering?”

That thought could get me accused of having racist thoughts: Asian + Sick + Wishing she’s not around me.

I hope not. Not in that context. Coronavirus or not, if you’re sick, you should stay home so you don’t get others infected.

I’m scared I can get my daughter or any of my family sick. My immune system may be good but I can also be a good transmitter of disease.

Then I learned that she doesn’t get “sick days” (no show, no pay) at work. She’s under contract. She probably needs the money. I’m sure she does not intend to get others sick.  Perhaps she wants to show her loyalty at work by showing up even though she is sick. Hell, I sometimes do that too (mainly because I have a crapload of things to do).

Then I realized that she’s a hardworking mother who, like me, also cares about her family.

If that’s the case, then I need to rethink my thoughts and my beliefs…


Not much to say here.

I need to get back into working on my side projects to earn extra income.

But before that happens, I need to set my life in order.

Meaning, I need to get my shit straightened out first.


Find more of my work here, here and here