Week 10

What Happened This Week

The weather was kinder this week so we had a chance to go for a walk around the neighbourhood.

Work was a lot busier than usual. It seems like business is starting to pick up. I read news where there is a plan – not just North America – but the whole world is planning on re-opening the economy permanently at 100%. 

The Ascent accepted another one of my articles. I wrote about the rabbit holes of passive income. It’s a big win for me to get my article accepted in that publication. Why? Editors go through my articles. It’s a way of validating how I’m improving as a writer.

New month, upgraded exercise routine. I recently added kettlebell swings in my morning workout. I haven’t missed a day yet so I congratulate myself for that.

A Year Ago This Week

  • A lot of things breaking due to wear and tear.
  • I stopped buying online courses – due to a lack of budget and because I haven’t fully leveraged the courses I already bought.
  • I learned about the power of crushed garlic to pump up your immune system from The Kevin Rose’s podcast.
  • I’m starting to take my side projects more “seriously”. That means I’m making them a part of my daily routine.

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