Week 14

What's On My Mind

“We’re approved?! F#$% YEA!!”

As the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths rise, the company I work for introduced another layer of health-security measure to reduce the spread of the virus – we were approved to work at home.

I loved the idea because now I can stop being paranoid about washing my hands all the time and keeping the distance between my co-workers AND the sharing of kitchen stuff.

While that reduces my risk of contracting COVID-19 and that I’m gaining an extra hour to do whatever because I no longer need to drive to work, I still have to go through the transition period of dealing with distractions at home and working with my own equipment – small desk with one monitor and a not-so-comfy chair. 

Now, this is not a complaint, it’s actually a very very small price to pay for the other perks I’m gonna get from working at home.

This pandemic is bad, but there’s always a way to turn things around and make it not as bad as it seems.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I was engaged to my fiancee.
  • Hung out on the beach for a few days to recharge.

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

This pandemic has changed the way the world operates. It created new ways of conducting business. Pretty much everything can now be done remotely. I like it because it’s convenient.

But I also wonder how damaging this social distancing is to our relationship with other people.

There’s a crapload of things you cannot do. Things that aren’t considered to be essential to our survival but essential to our well-being such as acquiring non-life threatening medical care, haircuts, going to the craft store (to cure boredom) or acquiring things that keep your sanity in check.

Now that the pandemic has re-introduced the value of solitude, I might be able to leverage that opportunity to work on my side projects.

I don’t have a concrete plan just yet as I need to transition to the “new normal”.

But I intend to become even more productive to prep myself for better opportunities when the world goes back to the “old” normal.



Lexi was sick for a couple of days. She had a fluctuating fever that got us wondering with anxiety.

We’ve been staying up late, making sure she’s getting the sleep she needs for recovery.

The “wondering” lasted for 3 nights and it was relieved by that nurse from Healthlinks. To be on-hold for 1-hr is a small price to pay to relieve us from our worries. We almost took her to the hospital even knowing that she may not get the attention she needed anyway because she didn’t have any “life-threatening” symptoms. We were ready to take that risk just to find an answer.

It is difficult to think logically when you’re emotionally hijacked. It makes you prone to do ANYTHING to find answers to the unknown.

Shout-out to her “ninang” who was always there to provide medical/health-related answers to any of our questions. If you’re reading this, know that you are highly appreciated.

Having said all that and now that I’m gonna be working at home, my weekly routine needs revamping (obviously).

I intend to add the following (since I’m gaining about 30-minutes from not driving) in addition to my usual routine:

  • Meditate
  • Eat Breakfast

We’ll see…


We are now operating at a 4-day workweek.

That 1-day of unpaid leave of absence can be used towards my career in selling life insurance.

I have been stagnant in that area for a long time.

I wanted to change that, starting next week. #discipline


Find more of my work here, here and here