Week 14

What Happened This Week

Finally had a good reason to visit the zoo – Lexi. It just sucks how there’s a pandemic – we don’t want her running around and playing with other kids… at least not yet. I heard the vaccine industry is now working on testing the vaccine for kids 11-yrs and under. 

I’ve been drawing more often lately. It’s a way for me to take a break from writing. Then I purchased another year of subscription on a meditation app. Why? I’ve been stressed lately (work-related) and I feel like I need to get back into taking care of my mental health. 

I also unsubscribed from the email list of people I used to follow. I did this to reduce the clutter in my inbox and in my brain. I also started writing my daily thoughts in a journal again. 

Yea a lot of mental-health maintenance habits this April.

A Year Ago This Week

  • We were approved to WFH.
  • My thoughts on the “new normal”
  • I’m glad my daughter’s ninang is a nurse practioner.

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