Week 14

Last week, I wrote about how I’m unable to keep up with publishing content every week since I’m currently on a trip.

I read a few pieces of content on “content creation burnout” and why taking a break is okay. So, that’s exactly what I’m going to do: TAKE A BREAK. However, I will continue to write simply because I like to share my thoughts. The only difference is that I won’t be posting them on IG/FB.

I wanna see how relieving the pressure to create content creates more room for creativity.


I’ve been playing with AI in writing.

No, it isn’t ChatGPT–but more like “lower” versions of it. Like most people, I’m amazed at what AI can do. AND…like most people…I’m excited and scared at the same time because now you have a machine that can do stuff for you. At this point in time, the software is not “perfect” but it’s amazingly good at getting it to write for you.

This makes me wonder, how this is gonna affect manufacturing companies in the future, especially for tasks that are repetitive. It’s also perfect for retrieving information from the past as well as databases. AND it can also do some analysis for you!!

It’s crazy good and crazy scary but only if you fail to how to use it to your advantage 😉


We took Lio to the clinic because he had a fever and a cough.

The clinic we went to has a different set-up than the one we’re used to. For appointments, you are given a block of time to show up and you will be served on a first-come, first-served basis. We waited for about an hour, which, is not too bad given that Lio’s case is not that bad.

If we were in Canada, they probably won’t recommend going to the clinic since Lio is still drinking milk and he seems ok.

Also, they prescribed us some meds for the cough.

We used it once but decided to stop simply because there’s a difference in how medications are recommended to children under the age of 1. A lot of times, infants are expected to recover on their own without the help of medications. But it seems like, in the Philippines, parents are too quick to give their children the relief they need.

I get it, as a parent, I don’t wanna see my kids suffer.

Anyway, as I’m writing this Lio is a lot better and we made it to our trip to Bali.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I’m questioning my need to build a routine.
  • The internet made me an Excel “expert” at work.
  • Morning sickness made me feel weak.

[read here]