Week 16

What Happened This Week

I couldn’t workout for 2 days because my foot hurts.

A drop of some strong chemical was applied by the doctor to kill the plantar wart on my foot

Gross, I know but whatever. That’s reality. The whole intent of this weekly update is to remind me of how I’m spending my week this year.

Anyway, I didn’t feel too stressed or worn out at work this week. The workload is still insane but what’s different?

I meditate every day for about 10-minutes, write my daily thoughts in a journal, and mushroom coffee. That combo, increase my focus by reducing the amount of mental clutter in my head. 90% of that “clutter” consists of worries.

Oh, and some lofi music in the background. Found a website that’s dedicated to lofi music without ads. Courtesy of Sidekick.

I also decided to upgrade my writing skills by studying other people’s work. That’s another thing I wanna do in the background in addition to reviving my MSPaint skills.

That’s all for this week.

P.S. If you wanna read what kind of stuff that goes on in my head, visit my articles on Medium.

A Year Ago This Week

I completed a meditation course called “The Headless Way”.

Here’s my takeaway:

“You cannot judge something you don’t fully understand. But you‘re free to make an observation.”

“What you think you see is just 1 of the 1,000,000,000 puzzle pieces that compose ‘reality’.”

[read here]