Week 17

What Happened This Week

I accidentally found out that I still have access to this app where it can convert my articles to their audio version.

I entertained the idea of starting a podcast – aside from the other one I have with a friend. But after a while, I realized there’s too much work and I don’t have time to edit/upload.

This is the worst kind of distraction. The kind that makes you think you can go somewhere with it but it actually takes you farther away from your real goal. They are things/activities that would be “cool to have” but they don’t necessarily make you better.

And so, I squashed that idea and decided to offer “audio articles” as a freebie to get you to sign up to my mailing list.


I started to come up with ideas for a logo for a bakery. I gave it about an hour or two. No good idea came up. And so I decided to stop thinking about it. I may be able to illustrate with MSPaint, but I’m no logo-designer.

Please note that an illustration is different from a  logo.


I was able to produce an illustration every week. How? They are quick and simple. But after a while, it feels like they lack something. I’m not satisfied with what I produced. Why? They look like they were half-assed.

But here’s how I’m turning that disappointment into something more positive:

The goal is not to produce a cool-ass-looking illustration in less than an hour. It’s to get the creative juice flowing. 


A Year Ago This Week

  • I was still adjusting to WFH.
  • It sounds like I care a lot about “thinking” lol.

[read here]