Week 18

What Happened This Week

Same same. April is over.

Here’s the recap:

  • Missed 3 days of workout.
  • Started meditating again.
  • Started daily journaling again – in addition to the gratitude journal that I started this year.
  • I realized that I should stop focusing on quantity instead of quality.
    • There should be a balance between the two. But lately, I feel like I focused more on quantity. The result? I’m not satisfied with the end product.
  • Realized that I still have access to the app that converts my written articles to audio.

What’s new this month?

  • Updated my workout routine to add core workouts.
  • Publish shorter articles.
  • Upgrade/Revise the super simple illustrations I created.
  • Practice meditation at random moments.
  • Finish reading a book.

Yea a lot of the stuff I do is personal. None of it is really worth sharing. But this is a post I will go back to next year.

I rarely go on social media. I rarely compare myself to others…BUT I’ve gotten into the habit of comparing myself to who I was yesterday.

If you’re not improving, you’re not growing 🙂

A Year Ago This Week

I thought about giving up coffee. I read an article that you should use it strategically.

[read here]

But I love coffee. So, I didn’t give it up. I just reduced my caffeine consumption.

Instead of drinking 2 cups of french roast, I now drink 1 cup of french roast and 1 cup of mushroom coffee. The mushroom coffee has less caffeine but it provides a good boost. No, you can’t drink 2 cups of it in a day.

So there you go, I still drink 2 cups of coffee but my caffeine content is less.