Week 2

What Happened This Week

I have been a loyal customer of Telus –  not because I love their service so much but because I was passive about it.

As long as I get to make a call, e-mail, text message and have access to GPS, I’m good.

This week I switched to Fido to save me about $30 a month. Cha-ching!


Started writing about retirement planning.

My goal is to create financial awareness for people in my network who are probably passive about their finances (like I was).

Most advisers talk about gains, but no one really digs deep into how much you need.

It’s a loaded question because it forces you to question what you really value in life.

I created a calculator in there that roughly estimates how much you need to keep the same lifestyle you have today. Check it out.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I wrote down what I planned to do for 2020. A lot of what I’ve written down is vague and hard to measure (such as being assertive and being more confident). But I think I met most of them.
  • I played around with video editing [watch the result here].
  • I realized that no Stoic principle is going to help me while I’m in the eye of the storm. Or perhaps, it’s a sign that I have a lot more training to do?

[read here]