Week 20

I tried ChatGPT (instead of asking Google) to help me with research.

While it gave me some answers that I really liked, I had a tough time finding them with Google (as a way of double-checking the results). It turns out, those answers it gave me were paraphrased! What’s the takeaway?

You still need to learn basic Math even when a calculator exists because that basic knowledge is what you need to identify a faulty calculator.


I made some updates to my journal prompts.

The prompts I’ve been using were created in Jan of 2022. It was meant to help me think about continuous growth. But recently, after the trip, I came up with so many things I need to do to make our current day-to-day less chaotic (i.e. updating my routine, prepping for work, reorganizing our stuff and scheds to adapt to our current life stage).

In other words, there’s no need to think about continuous improvement when I have a shitload of things on my list I need to action.


We tried doggie date this week to see if it’s an activity we can add for Lexi.

However, things didn’t turn out as we expected because we were given a dog that is 2x bigger than her. The dog is less than a year old and is “very playful” – a little too rough for Lexi lol. After an hour of running around and figuring out what to fetch, we returned Toast.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the right fit.


It’s been 3 weeks now since we got back and I am still adjusting.

That means I’m in the process of updating my routine. It’s been challenging lately as I find myself feeling like I wanna skip this or that. Sometimes, because I was so used to the order of how I do things, I can’t help but revert back to the old routine. As an example: I feel the urge to take a cold shower after my workout.

That urge is what I want to rewire, otherwise, I’m gonna be stuck with my old set of routines that is not really benefiting me at this current phase of my life.

A Year Ago This Week

I complained about the workload, even when I understand how complaining isn’t really going to solve the problems I need to address.

Chitchatted with people who go through the same kind of stress made me feel better.

[read here]