Week 21

I FEEL UNPRODUCTIVE whenever I fail to follow through with my morning routine (i.e., getting up early to work out or drink coffee).

It doesn’t matter how many “productive” tasks I get done throughout the day. The feeling lingers. It doesn’t quite add up if I was to look at things more objectively.

After a few days of reflection, I realized how “feeling productive” is directly tied to the number of items I can check off in my ideal morning routine.

Now, I don’t wanna feel lazy every day. That would lead to depression. Therefore, I need to rewire the way my brain defines “productive”.

That rewiring starts today.


There are 7 days in a week and 3 meals a day. That’s a total of 21 meals!

Figuring out what to cook for the kids can be tough especially when they become a little picky! That explains why we’re back to meal planning and pre-packing.

The less figuring out we need to do, the less exhausting our day is going to be lol.


We reviewed our F.I. numbers this week.

The numbers look good. If we stay frugal for at least 10 years (yup that’s a long time), we may be able to retire early. But that’s better than working until you’re 65.

But the real benefit is that having money conversations with your partner can help the relationship thrive.

A Year Ago This Week

  • Still burnt out at work…
  • I don’t have a work-life balance. doinks.
  • I learned how to play mahjong lol.

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