Week 24

What Happened This Week

I decided to temporarily stop writing.

The idea was triggered by this Youtube video from this writing editor I follow.

Recently, I’ve been having a tough time finding clarity to the message I want to put out there.

What should’ve been a short article transforms into a long article.

Now, there are two reasons that might cause this:

  • The message I want to communicate requires a load of paragraphs and mini-points and/or explanations for my reader to understand what I’m saying.
  • I don’t fully understand what I’m talking about.

Or maybe I’m burned out?

Content creation is tiring.  However, I look at it as a way of developing a skill.


Since I’m taking a pause on writing, I thought now is a good time to get back to drawing.

The ideas that come to me are crappy at the moment.

My “idea muscle” (on illustrations) has been stagnant for a while.

As a result, it takes me 100000 iterations to lock on an idea. It’s an inefficient use of time.

While creativity requires you to think outside the box – it also requires boundaries (or challenges) to push you to the next level.

I’ve been thinking about moving away from MSPainting and personalized designs.

I feel like it’s time for me to learn another software and style of art based on my current interest.

Yea I change my mind (in terms of my projects) every now and then. It keeps things fresh and exciting.

Or maybe it’s part of a creative’s evolution?

A Year Ago This Week

  • I was burned out. This looks like another pattern that happens every year during this month.
  • got better at using Elementor (for my website).
  • Luck is when you’re able to do something great the first time while expertise is when you’re able to correct a good number of mistakes…and not let them happen again.

[read here]