Week 27

July is the month of salary raise.

While I’m ok with what I received, it doesn’t change the fact that what I’ve gotten is low in terms of today’s inflation rate. To be clear, I’m not expecting the company to match that rate because that would probably drive it to go bankrupt. And so what do you do with such imbalance?

You double-down on removing unnecessary expenses.


Shaan Puri gave me an updated view on visualization.

I try to visualize my biggest goals the best way I can by imagining what I would see, feel or hear when I reach them. It sounds woowoo and very difficult to do. A lot of times, I have no idea what I would feel other than the positive feeling of achieving them. I can’t specifically define it, and therefore, it’s harder for my brain to wire things in my head to help me reach it.

After listening to the video, I realized that I should instead focus on visualizing what my day would be like.

The idea is to do that every day such that I can slowly steer it in the direction of achieving my biggest goals.


I read a newsletter that talked about one of the most common problems everyone has: “What if?”

In the face of uncertainty, we tend to ask ourselves what could happen if we do ‘X’ or ‘Y’. We all have a fear of making the wrong decision — the fear of wasting time. While that is a valid concern, it also delays us from moving forward.

And because delaying is convenient and safe, we tend to keep delaying until we get to the point where we now have to ask ourselves, “Why didn’t I do this earlier?”.

YOHOL – you only have one life.

Spend it wisely 🙂

A Year Ago This Week

  • rented a cabin to get away “from it all”.
  • i saw the anime ‘Your Name’ and I loved it LOL
  • built lexi’s play structure.

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