Week 28

Every time someone at work has an issue with the Excel tools, they come to me.

That’s a go-to behaviour of my co-workers I wanna keep re-enforcing. It’s how I strategically build my brand as “The Excel Macro Guy”. The more problems they give me, the more problems I solve, the better I become at it.

The better I become at it, the easier it is to switch to another position (in the future).


The Writing Cooperative—one of Medium’s biggest publications rejected one of my articles.

It wasn’t the right fit for the publication. While the rejection has nothing to do with the quality of the article (it was more about branding), the rejection still stings!

No, not as bad as it sounds. But the point is, it doesn’t matter how many rejections you’ve gotten or how comfortable you are with rejection, at the end of the day–any form of rejection will sting.


A NON-member’s comment about young coaches made “marketing positioning” and “specificity” much clearer for me.

Seeing someone who claims to be a life coach who is only 16 years old makes you wanna tag them as fake. To a certain extent, that is true. However, what most much older people (like me) miss is that this 16-year-old life coach is perfect for another 16-year-old.

In other words, tagging people so quickly as fake or scammy may not be accurate—regardless of what our gut feeling tells us.

Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t trust your gut feeling, but a reminder to check your biases.

A Year Ago This Week

  • It’s difficult to shake off my need to know “what’s up”.
  • The cure for boredom is presence.
  • I had to teach others what I do (before I go on my parental leave).

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