Week 3

What Happened This Week

Found my old iPod shuffle! I reset it to factory settings and loaded it with sleep stories. There were times when my mind wants to go on lets-figure-this-out mode and it’s a struggle to go back to bed in the middle of the night. The sleep stories will help me calm it down.


Buffer (a social media sharing app) did not post my article on Facebook the way I wanted it.

I submitted some of my artwork on Gallea. Pending approval. Wait time is 3-months lol.

It seems like a waste of time because I don’t know how engaged people are with the app/website. I don’t see anything special with online galleries. But I applaud them for trying to be creative at selling art online.

I updated my bio on my website. This was my attempt to make it less boring.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I avoid leadership opportunities. 
  • The artwork I created was printed on “social tickets”.
  • I started getting into working out – just like everybody else. It’s a January thing.

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