Week 30

What's On My Mind

“Oh well…”

That article (I spent almost a month working on) for The Ascent was rejected. Ouchie…

I was initially sad when I read the rejection note. But after a while, I’m thankful for it. Why? It forced me to reflect and look deeper into what I did wrong. If the article wasn’t rejected, I would’ve been blind on my major mistakes:

  • I didn’t properly read their guidelines. I’m not a member of Medium’s Partner Program. This doesn’t allow my article to be curated by others.
  • I didn’t take the time to understand what the publication was all about. The article I wrote was not the right fit. *as per the editor, this is the reason why it was rejected.
  • My article was for a very small niche: office employees who work in the manufacturing industry. It is not for the mass, and therefore, its potential to become viral is slim to none.

Now what? Well, after reflecting on this experience, I realized that I should try posting my articles on Linkedin. It makes more sense to post it on that platform. I don’t know if that’s true but it’s worth testing it out.

A Year Ago This Week

  • re-reading a book on self-esteem to help me take my health more seriously.
  • I hate it when people call me an “expert”. Read the link to understand why. I’m not gonna rewrite it here lol.
  • Some people agree, not because they agree but because they want you to stfu lol.

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

Currently editing another article I thought about submitting to a publication. But I might publish it on Linkedin instead. Why do I wanna write for a publication anyway? 

  • To expose my article to a bigger audience.
  • To gauge how good my writing is. I needed an editor to check my work so they can tell me what I need to get better at.

Need to update my Linkedin profile.


Finally, an appointment this weekend.

3 more appointments to go before I can certify as a presenter.


My fiance helped me lose about 2 lbs. after a week on spinach-banana smoothie, salad, chickpea, almond and peanut snacks, hard-boiled eggs and other food that doesn’t require a lot of ingredients to make.

The goal has less to do with losing weight but more about eating healthier.


I’m gonna create an account with Stripe to allow me to make money with my articles. I expect to earn about  $0.50 LOL.

I’m desperate for authentic feedback. Most people these days don’t have the time to give that. So I need to find ways to acquire that without asking.