Week 33

What Happened This Week

A lot has happened this weekend.

The company I work for announced that they have plans of getting everyone back to the office sometime next year.

This doesn’t excite me at all as I’ve grown to love the WFH arrangement.

No need for a commute, which means, more time for myself and reduced gas expenses.

No need to spend time looking like a “professional employee”, which means, no need to buy new clothes.

The plans are not set to stone yet. But I hope they’ll consider an option for a permanent WFH arrangement.

We’ll see.


We sold one of our cars. Why? We no longer want to pay for the maintenance and storage cost of keeping it.

I’m amazed how it took less than 24-hrs to sell it.


We took Lexi to the zoo.


Started working on the headlines of articles I want to write about.

I’m a fan of Ship 30 for 30. I plan to write and publish every day for 30-days straight. And publish 30 articles to a publication.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I took a 30-day parental leave.
  • Decided to take my career in the insurance industry more seriously.

[read here]