Week 35

What's On My Mind

“I need to clean…”

For some reason, I always get this feeling like I need to do some cleaning or re-organizing whenever I feel stuck.

“Stuck” because it feels like I’m not making any progress with my side projects.

I overwhelmed myself with stuff to do lately and I’m exhausted. I had to be exhausted – that’s the whole point. The goal is to stretch myself out to a point where I’m about to snap. I need to get to the edge, otherwise, I will stay as-is.

This update is posted at a later time simply because I haven’t had much time to write it. 

Plus, I’m gonna keep it short.

A Year Ago This Week

  • a secret meeting at work…
  • my thoughts on receiving gifts.
  • been thinking about improving my writing skills

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

Signed up as a contributor to a few publications on Medium.

Finished another draft.

I’m creating as much content as I can while I’m on leave. These articles are going to be published at a later day.


Completed two training sessions for my insurance certification.


At this time, there is no routine. My schedule will revolve around Lexi’s schedule.

The challenge is to make every minute of Lexi’s nap count. That duration varies in length and time. The better I manage that, the easier for me to get in and out of focus. It’s what Mary Somerville had that I want to develop. I learned that she had an “exceptional ability to focus”. She managed to focus deeply and learn while she’s already busy as a mother.

I don’t quite know the full story. And I don’t know how good of a parent she was to her kids but regardless, that’s a skill I want to develop.

Some will say “something has to give, you either choose one or the other”. But what if you can do both?


I’m still waiting for the government’s confirmation if I’m eligible to collect EI benefits.