Week 36

The new cycle of Night Owl Nation group work is starting in two weeks.

Part of the application asks for your personality type (Myer’s Briggs Test). I turned out to be an INFJ-T. Now, I get why understanding your personality type helps you figure out what to focus on or what to avoid (in terms of your strengths and weaknesses). However, as I was reading the description of the personality type, I can’t help but feel like I’m reading a horoscope.

I’m trying to fit who I think I am into the personality type’s description as opposed to just understanding my personality based on different categories.


My dentist suspects that I have a habit of clenching.

I’m completely unaware of such a habit probably because I do it unconsciously. I asked what I could do to avoid it, hoping for a magic pill that would stop the habit altogether. Unfortunately, there’s no other way other than to just be aware of it.

My solution is a sticky note on my computer that says, “No clenching”.


I took Lexi on her first day of playschool.

I was more excited for her than she was. The goal was to expose her to other kids and make friends and all that. As expected, because I was around on her first day, she did not really hang out with the other kids. She prefers to do things that interest her regardless if she’s with a group or not.

I thought, perhaps that’s what  I should strive to be — do the things that interest me despite what other people think.


Prior to Lexi’s first time going to church, I told her to be quiet.

Lexi talks a lot and I wanna make sure she zips it up when the priest is talking. Well, she ended up following my advice and made sure I follow it too. She made sure I wasn’t being a hypocrite about it.

As I was whispering the Lord’s prayer, she goes, “Shh daddy, be quiet”.


A Year Ago This Week

  • entertained the idea of a 4-hour work week.
  • we got rid of the items we no longer use.
  • i started journaling about the “big” questions.

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