Week 37

What's On My Mind


It’s been a week of rejection. The very first article I’ve written where I started putting a lot of thought and effort into was rejected again. It would’ve been nice if the editors provide detail as to why an article was rejected. This is similar to that rejection you had when you didn’t get an interview from your resume or when a love interest doesn’t wanna give you any details as to why you’re not a good fit.

My application to be a freelance writer was also declined this week. But that didn’t hurt me as much as that article I’ve written.

Oh and I also rejected an offer this week. I was offered an opportunity to work with an amazing team at work and university students to work on a project. And as a bonus, I get to be certified as a “Six Sigma Green Belt”. If you don’t know what “six sigma” is, it’s a world-wide recognized standard for quality. I initially said yes…then backed out the last minute. I’m not sure how my manager reacted to that. I had to pass on the opportunity because I couldn’t commit to the time required to participate.

Rejection sucks.

But it also comes with a reward: Self-awareness.

This is especially the case when you are not getting any feedback. It pushes you to reflect on the details of your actions.

Not sure if you heard the saying, “Awareness precedes change”. And guess what? After thinking hard about what editors didn’t like about my article, I realized where I messed up. It’s subtle, which is why I’m left wondering wtf is wrong with it.

Here’s a [link] to it.

It’s about how I raised my salary without negotiating.

Let me know if you find it 😉

A Year Ago This Week

  • Genuinely happy for friends who made it through.
  • I had no choice but to confess something personal stuff with my coworkers.
  • Lexi’s first month of existence. We were sleep-deprived. Today, we are STILL sleep-deprived but it’s gotten a lot better 🙂

[read here]

Weekly Update

Personal Projects

I’ve been feeling down lately. I realized I wasn’t going to meet the goals I set up for myself while I’m on parental leave.

Making a dollar on Medium, not a hundred dollars, a dollar, is not as easy as I thought. It could take me a year to get there.

I also realized that the client presentations I’ve had with friends do not count because they didn’t sign up.


I’ve had 2.5-hours of continuous sleep as I’m writing this.

You’d think I’d be more laid back while I’m on leave but I’m still busy as f*

I’m going to try to relax this coming week though before I go back to work.


Nothing to report here. I made $0 so far and that will continue until I go back to work.