Week 37

Everyone at home caught the flu…

It sucks when everyone gets sick because you have to step up your game and not let whatever discomfort you’re feeling stop you from caring for your family.

It is what it is and there’s really no other way to get around it.


Sleep had been rough lately because Lexi would interrupt my deep sleep when I snore lol.

This reminds me of those posters at the dentist showing how they can help you manage your problem with snoring. However, for now, I’m probably just going to get myself a snore guard…simply because it’s cheaper and I don’t have to see a specialist.

Some things in life are worth seeing a specialist for, my snore problem is not there yet.


I made a goal to build the skill to pre-publish 2 articles a week. 

I heard this is the minimum requirement to allow me to build an audience and be favoured by the algorithm. I was successful at it this week. Now, I can’t say if I can be consistent at it, but I will try.

I’m also thinking about doing more MSPaint illustrations lately but we’ll see.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I was also sick at this time of the year. It’s “flu season”.
  • I tried to participate in Inktober, then gave up early after realizing I need to focus more on writing.
  • I’m learning about web design – lol I’m trying to learn too many things.

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