Week 39

RJ Jr. is out!

Full-time dad mode has been activated. I’m thankful for how things turned out. My partner is safely recovering and little RJ didn’t have a lot of health concerns that made us stay in the hospital for more than 2 days.

And because of that, I’m grateful…


Last week,  I felt weird that I didn’t have to go to work as if I got laid off.

But today, I’m glad I didn’t have to go back to work (for a while). I need the time as well as the right mindset when it comes to caring for a baby and a toddler. Borrowed a book from the library to educate myself a little more, because you know, parenting can be complex.

My guess is that it will take a week or so to get the hang of things.


Since I’m off for a while, I’m wondering, “Can I write more often?”

Now, if you’re a parent, you understand how trying to find the time to create is going to be challenging due to the unstable schedule and the never-ending demand for milk, nap, feeding, cleaning and all that. But that’s exactly what makes this whole chapter interesting!

If it was easy, this whole parenting thing would be boring—

A Year Ago This Week

  • Getting up at 4AM made me feel like I have all the time in the world.
  • I experimented with writing about the parallels between videogames and self-improvement. 

[read here]