Week 40

What Happened This Week

This week’s post is going to be different from my previous updates. I decided to spend less time on it so I can spend more time to write more valuable articles such as the following:

So far, I made $0.21 from these articles LOL. Well, that’s better than nothing. I’ve been trying to get my articles published in popular publications on Medium. Why? That’s how I gauge how good my article is. 


I created a new IG account to promote my articles. [@reyesrjt_blog]


I’ve been trying to polish/tighten up my English (because English is my 3rd language) WHILE learning to be more comfortable with putting myself out there BY starting the [Balikbayanbox Podcast]. That’s a long sentence you won’t see in my articles but anyway, that’s what I’ve been doing on the side as well.


I learned that I can still get assessed to be certified to do presentations with life insurance clients on my own. However, I still need to learn two more areas of the presentation to allow me to pass it.


That’s it for my updates. I’m going to turn this weekly post, not as an accountability post but a way to keep a record of how I’m progressing towards my goals for 2020.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I became a licensed broker.
  • I played around with index card as a productivity tool.
  • I’ve been trying to reduce my caffeine intake. *that’s exactly what I’m trying to do these days as well.

[read here]