Week 43

Un Open Book

“Sometimes, you have no idea about the struggle a person is going through”, says my manager.

“Oh, I did not realize you’re going through stuff. How come you look like there’s nothing wrong?”, asked my cubicle neighbor.

Because I separate work from my personal life. I don’t see how sharing my struggles will increase my co-worker’s productivity.

“You’re such a poker face”, she added.

I understood what she was trying to say.

Truth is, I’m pretty selective of people I share my story with. And I try my best to hide things about myself that may not add value to you.

Not sure if she noticed but there are a few of us at work that operates that way.

Then I told her that we all wear different masks for different people and different environments. I provoked her to say “What?! Are you saying you’re fake?”

As planned, that gave me the opening to share my thoughts lol.

Controversy catches people’s attention.

If you become too honest, to a point where you are sharing the whole story of your life (mostly stuff that pumps up your ego), you will annoy the people around you.

Therefore, it makes more sense to customize your way of engaging with others. You don’t talk to your co-worker the same way you talk to your spouse.

Context plays a big role in any human interaction.

Often we try to oversimplify things when it comes to it, “If it’s not this then it might be that“.

But the reality is, you can’t always narrow everything down to a logic – not in a “black or white” manner – because we’re not robots.

We’re emotional creatures.


Roll with The Punches

Challenges in life come and go.

In most cases, they come to you by surprise.

And because you can’t predict everything that’s about to happen (because we can only predict based on what we know at the moment), there’s a high likelihood that you get punched…really hard.

The simplest way (I can think of) to deal with it is just to be prepared – not physically but emotionally.

Because emotions can get us to reach the highest mountains or help us dig our own grave. It can go both ways so it’s is best if used wisely.



Problems will always exist. Running away from them will only exhaust our energy because they will always catch up to us.

Our world is better today because of problems. Those same problems were no longer a problem because we decided to deal with it once and for all. But each problem solved creates a new problem. #loop

Now, why am I writing about this?

I ramble about stuff – that’s the whole point of this weekly update – to share the thoughts that go through my head.

Killed Time

How do you handle sudden “free time”?

You know, that moment where you’re scheduled to do something but then it was canceled. So now you have an empty block in your schedule that can be used to do whatever the hell you wanna do.

I’ve had a few of those this week. Though I know the stuff I need to get done, I almost always unmotivated to do them. 

I find that to be very annoying because it makes me feel lazy.

But maybe I shouldn’t be annoyed at all because I can use the time to recover – to take it easy once in a while.

It’s messed up how I seek to burn out when I’m aware of how harmful burning out is to my productivity.

P.S. I ended up using that time to hang out with Lexi #worthit

A Year Ago This Week

I wrote about…

[read here]


Goal Update

Personal Projects

Website updated.

Earlier this morning, I realized that I’m delaying the progress of whatever side income idea I have in mind. This tells me that I’m scared of failing and getting rejected.

However, I don’t wanna stay in the realm of that fear. I need to “pull that trigger”.


Lexi sleeps beside us because it’s more convenient than getting up to her crib – if she ever needs something.

I’m aware that this could create a bad habit for her. This could mean more sleepless nights.

I need to come up with a way to start training her to sleep in her crib.

I need them lights out – total blackout – when I’m sleeping.

However, I can’t do that for a while.

I’m going to let that slide for now until I come up with a better way to address it.


Nothing new here. The budget is tight. But I’m glad that my fiance’s dad’s condition didn’t get worse.

Travel insurance is a NEED.

Find more of my work here, here and here