Week 43

I no longer want Lexi to get vaccinated…at least not yet.

Geez Luiz, it took one episode to change my mind. I still trust the experts out there, way more than myself and Dr. Google. But when these experts struggle to provide an unbiased answer when pressed for answers by a non-doctor? I can’t help but wonder what if we were wrong all along?

Covid-19 is a “novel” virus, meaning, there’s a shit load of guessing and trial-and-error experiments out there.

This doesn’t mean that trial-and-error experiments and limited case studies are bad.

They are actually the best information we have at the moment. The more we learn about the virus, the better we can react to it. We are far from finding the “perfect” solution.

We course-correct as we go.

The same goes for my goal to become a better writer.

Medium is going to make changes to its Partnership Program. Apparently, you need 100 followers to be qualified. However, I only have 33.

This means that I have to consistently write articles that people engage with. I’m not sure what it is yet. I’m in the process of acquiring data.

I do that by throwing a bunch of shit on the wall and see what sticks LOL.

If you want to be a part of my first 100, click here.

What you read tells me what topics you want me to write more about.

A Year Ago This Week

  • i had my first flu shot.
  • my phone wouldn’t charge because there is moisture in the charge port. Yea I’ve used it to listen to music while showering. NOT a good idea.
  • my article for CTTAM didn’t make it in their Fall Edition but it was later released in the Winter edition.

[read here]