Week 44

Jewel was an artist I had a crush on when I was a kid.

I listened to her podcast with Joe Rogan and it made me go, “Holy sh*t!?”. The real life of some celebrities is entertaining because it makes us feel better about ourselves. But Jewel’s real life lies on the “inspiring” end of the scale. The struggle she’s been through as a homeless kid to becoming a famous artist is just wow.

I enjoyed listening to that podcast because it was insightful.


Listening to Nicolas Cole made me want to crank out more articles.

I’m thinking of two articles per week. Publishing one article a week may not be enough to get me the traction I needed to gain 100 followers by the end of this year on Medium. To be fair, I write articles that is super niche (philosophy in videogames). Therefore, I really shouldn’t expect much.

But hey that’s the challenge!


My parents are getting close to that retirement age.

As their kid, I have to take some responsibility to better their life. I mean, they grinded all day everyday to get to where I am today. So it’s only fair to take responsibility for giving them less headaches as they are getting older.

That explains why we’re taking over handling their finances.

My parents didn’t have the education on “handling money”. 

Their money management is based on scarcity. This makes sense as we came from a third-world country. But somehow we need to break that cycle.

Otherwise, my daughter will end up doing the same for us.

A Year Ago This Week

  • we decided to have a “day pass” to do whatever the hell we want.
  • The Ascent finally accepted my article after getting rejected 4x.
  • i somehow decided to switch gears from writing content to writing copy. *this somewhat lines up with what I wanna do currently with my personalized designs. I want to write a better copy for it.

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