Week 44

What Happened This Week

Took a day off…from everything. That meant having a day pass to do whatever the f I want. I have a choice as to whether or not I use it to slack off or be more productive.

My fiance and I agreed that we needed some time alone for ourselves. It’s one way to break away from the daily demands of life, which, causes us to burn out at some point.

And when you’re burnt out, you can’t be at your best, which, trickles to other areas of your life.

It takes more than a Kitkat to take a good break. 


The Ascent finally accepted one of my submissionsafter getting rejected for 4x in a row.

Getting accepted means that I can now write a decent quality article. Or was it a fluke?

Getting editors to approve my work is a free service I can use to gauge the quality of my work.

Asking a reader to criticize my work is not that beneficial even though they are the “end-user” of my article. Most will just skim through the article. Most also misses the point of the article. It’s not their fault. That tells me that I haven’t figured out how to communicate my ideas in a way that’s clear and understandable to them.

Most of them will say it’s good.

While compliments are good for the ego, they don’t push you to raise the bar a little higher.

“Ego is the enemy”.


I finally got to play my PS4. I haven’t had a chance to play since I lost our weight loss challenge back in Week 31.

I also bought a new game, which took me about an hour to decide whether or not it’s worth it. That’s probably because I’m more mindful of my expenses now.


Fasting on Sundays is still on. I also introduced a new lunch routine where I would do a quick workout, take a shower and drink a veggie smoothie.


Signed up for a free networking course.


Change my focus from writing content to writing copy.

And I will practice by writing other people’s copy.

A Year Ago This Week

I’ve embedded music videos of the songs that reminded me of my thoughts this week. 

  • I did not have any boundaries when it comes to Work. Now I’m more strict with my time.
  • “Change” can be viewed from different points of view – some good, while others are bad.
  • The drawback of PLANNING to get-it-right-the first-time.

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